My 2024 in video games
Gaming My 2024 in video games

Well, somehow we’re here again, at the start of another calendar year (or rather, 1/12th of the way through it already). The games keep coming thick and fast, so once again I’m taking a look back over the year just past at what was on my Xbox (or my increasingly old PC).

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My top games of 2018
Gaming My top games of 2018

It’s that time of year again where we’re recovering from eating and drinking too much, and looking forward to the new year filled with exciting opportunities and a chance to do better. Who knew that an arbitrary point in the Earth’s orbit round the Sun had such power? I’ve definitely neglected the blog this past year or so (I’ve been a little more active on my dev blog, but only just) and I’m contemplating just migrating all the content from this site over to and focusing my efforts on one site. Anyway, I digress. I think my last post on this site was looking back (very belatedly) at my favourite games from 2017, so it seems kind of fitting that my next post is this one.

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Reboots: heresy or homage?
Gaming Reboots: heresy or homage?

Hollywood is obsessed with reboots. Total Recall, Star Trek, Big Trouble in Little China (I’m gutted about that last one)! It’s wide open for debate as to whether all these reboots are a good thing, or whether people should stick to creating original stories. This practice has bled over to the gaming industry as well in recent years.

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