You’re not a real Data Engineer if you use no or low code tools
You’re not a real Data Engineer if you use no or low code tools

I tend to read a lot of posts online to keep up with developments in the data industry. This usually consists of keeping an eye on the data engineering subreddit, people I follow on Twitter (no, I’m not calling it “X”, that’s stupid), my LinkedIn network and data topics on Medium. I find this gives me a good blend of opinions and content to keep up to date with things (even if my reading list on Medium is getting wildly out of hand). One thing I find interesting is there seems to be a sense of elitism from some in the community who are quite vocal about what they perceive a Data Engineer to be (or not to be).


10 Years of Achievements
Gaming 10 Years of Achievements

12th December 2006. The day the world bid farewell to disk drive pioneer Alan Shugart, and grumpy grandad Frank Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond). A Tuesday. Also the day I unlocked my first achievement on my brand new Xbox 360.

A lot can happen in ten years. People can forge a career, a relationship, move house, raise children, or simply end up turning tricks under the bridge due to bad life choices.

In addition to some of the above (I’ll let you figure out which), I’ve somehow managed to rack up 100,000G on Xbox.

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Battlefield 1 Open Beta Review
Gaming Battlefield 1 Open Beta Review

I cower in a crater, left in the middle of the Egyptian desert by some recent artillery barage, and drop a medkit by my feet. Heart pounding, I look left and right to make sure nobody is following me. My vision is blurred, breathing heavy as the medicine starts to take affect. Cautiously I peek my head over the lip of the crater, scanning the distance for some sign of the sniper. I work up just enough courage to sprint to the next crater when out of nowhere, a horse thunders past and it’s sword-wielding rider cuts me down, just as a biplane loops overhead. This is World War One. This, is Battlefield 1.

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7 tips to balancing parenting and gaming
Gaming 7 tips to balancing parenting and gaming

The biggest adjustment with having a kid is just the sheer amount of time they take up. And I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. Especially after they start walking and needing constant supervision. I regularly find myself recalling pre-child times and wondering just what the hell I did with all my time. The following tips are just a few things that I’ve learned throughout the last year and a bit, that are mostly common sense. I thought I’d share them anyway. Some of you may relate, some may find inspiration, some may be able to add more!

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Is less sometimes more?
Gaming Is less sometimes more?

Video games are based on rules. To quote my man Morpheus, “what you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken.” The more that a game attempts to give you, the more variables are introduced, and the greater the scope for bugs and other general weirdness.

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Press B to Begin
Site news Press B to Begin

For several years now I’ve considered creating a gaming blog. I’ve toyed with the idea of adding gaming content over on picnicerror.

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Web & technology 5 Observations from Microsoft Build 2016

Microsoft’s Build conference for 2016 took place a couple of weeks ago, and true to form, there were a number of killer announcements and reveals for a number of services, tools, and frameworks, many of which are available today. Not one to ever really post something when it’s actually relevant, here are a few of the things that jumped out at me from the event.

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About is a personal blog where I post various ideas, thoughts and discoveries through both my day to day work in marketing technology and general hobbies and interests.

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